miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2024

A Midnight Christmas Mess

Compilación de dos discos con canciones "navideñas" con mucho garage rock. pass: manchon1961
A Midnight Christmas Mess:
1 Chistmas Time Here (Could Never Be Like That) - Wednesday Week
2 On Comet - The Point
3 Christmas Time With You - Cheepskates
4 Here's What I Want On A Christmas Day - Justin Love
5 Christmas Dance - Johnny Rabb
6 Gotta Get Lucky For Xmas - Johnny Rabb
7 X'mas Time (It Sure Be Doesn't Feel Like It) - Dogmatics
8 Last Minute Rush - Cheepstakes
9 Merry Christmas - Plan 9
10 Christmas Time (Baby) - Yard Trauma
11 Forget It - Nadroj & The Wolra
12 Schizophrenic X'mas - Suburban Nightmares
13 Gloria (In Excelsis DEO) - Tryfles
14 It's X'mas (A Time For Giving) . Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Silent Night - Droogs

Oh, No! Not Another Midnight Christmas Mess Again!
1 Hazy Shades Of Winter - The Slickee Boys
2 Christmas I'll Be Home - The Vipers
3 Star - The Cheepskates
4 Santa Is Comin' Down Again - The Psycho Daisies
5 Santa Ain't Santa - Wooling Cookies
6 Jesus Christ - The Love Pushers
7 O Tannenbaum Now - Das Furlines
8 Blue Christmas - The Ravens
9 Wreck These Halls - Howard &Jag's X-mas Vacation
10 Sleighbell Bop - The Holidays
11 Col In My Stocking - The Backbones
12 Christmas Eve At KNI - The Iguanas
13 Snow Is Falling - Dimentia 13


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Arnaud de Casteloup

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