sábado, 7 de mayo de 2022

Top Of The Pops 00 - Programa Piloto - 1964


 Transscripciones del programa piloto de Top Of The Pops emitido por la BBC en 1964. Destacan la actuación de The Beatles, Dusty Springfield, The Tremeloes y una entrevista a The Beatles. pass: manchon1961

Top Of The Pops-000
BBC Transcription Services 113216 / 113217
pilot program 1964

000-01 - Intro
000-02 - Migil Five - Unchain My Heart
000-03 - Mark Wynter - I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door
000-04 - Brian Poole & The Tremeloes - Walk Right In
000-05 - Dusty Springfield - La Bamba
000-06 - The Beatles - Long Tall Sally
000-07 - Migil Five - Near You
000-08 - Mark Wynter - You Gotta Take The Bucket To The Well
000-09 - Dusty Springfield - Interview
000-10 - Dusty Springfield - I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
000-11 - The Beatles - Interview
000-12 - The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night
000-13 - Brian Poole & The Tremeloes - Baby Blue
000-14 - Migil Five - Roll 'Em Pete
000-15 - Mark Wynter - Memphis Tennessee
000-16 - Brian Poole & The Tremeloes - Someone, Someone
000-17 - Dusty Springfield - Tossing And Turning
000-18 - The Beatles - The Things We Said Today
000-19 - Outro


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Archi No.459

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